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Satisfiability Threshold of the Skewed Random k-SAT

Danila A. Sinopalnikov

Presented at The Seventh International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2004), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 10-13 May 2004


We consider the satisfiability phase transition in skewed random k-SAT distributions. It is known that the random k-SAT model, in which the instance is a set of m k-clauses selected uniformly from the set of all k-clauses over n variables, has a satisfiability phase transition at a certain clause density. The essential feature of the random k-SAT is that positive and negative literals occur with equal probability in a random formula. How does the phase transition behavior change as the relative probability of positive and negative literals changes?

In this paper we focus on a distribution in which positive and negative literals occur with different probability. We present empirical evidence for the satisfiability phase transition for this distribution. We also prove an upper bound on the satisfiability threshold and a linear lower bound on the number of literals in satisfying partial assignments of skewed random k-SAT formulas.

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