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Search vs. Symbolic Techniques in Satisfiability Solving

Guoqiang Pan, Moshe Y. Vardi

Presented at The Seventh International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2004), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 10-13 May 2004


Recent work has shown how to use OBDDs for satisfiability solving. The idea of this approach, which we call \emph{symbolic quantifier elimination}, is to view an instance of propositional satisfiability as an existentially quantified propositional formula. Satisfiability solving then amounts to quantifier elimination; once all quantifiers have been eliminated we are left with either {\bf true} or {\bf false}. Our goal in this work is to study the effectiveness of symbolic quantifier elimination as an approach to satisfiability solving. To that end, we conduct a direct comparison with the DPLL-based ZChaff, as well as evaluate a variety of optimization techniques for the symbolic approach. In comparing the symbolic approach to ZChaff we use a variety of classes of formulas. We find that no approach dominates across all classes. While ZChaff dominates for many classes of formulas, the symbolic approach is superior for other classes of formulas.

Once we have demonstrated the viability of the symbolic approach, we focus on optimization techniques for this approach. We study techniques from constraint satisfaction for finding a good plan for performing the symbolic operations of conjunction and of existential quantification. We also study various variable-ordering heuristics, finding that while no heuristic seems to dominate across all classes of formulas, the maximum-cardinality search heuristic seems to offer the best overall performance.

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