MaxSAT Evaluation

The 2022 MaxSAT Evaluation (MSE 2022) is the 16th edition of MaxSAT evaluations, the primary competition-style event focusing on the evaluation of MaxSAT solvers organized yearly since 2006.

The main goals of MaxSAT Evaluation 2022 are:

  • to assess the state of the art in the field of MaxSAT solvers,
  • to collect and re-distribute a heterogeneous MaxSAT benchmark set for further scientific evaluations, and
  • to promote MaxSAT as a viable option for solving instances of a wide range of NP-hard optimization problems.
SAT Competition

SAT Competition 2022 is a competitive event for solvers of the Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) problem. It is organized as a satellite event to the SAT Conference 2022 and stands in the tradition of the annual SAT Competitions and SAT-Races / Challenges.

The area of SAT Solving has seen tremendous progress over the last years. Many problems (e.g. in hardware and software verification) that seemed to be completely out of reach a decade ago can now be handled routinely. Besides new algorithms and better heuristics, refined implementation techniques turned out to be vital for this success.

To keep up the driving force in improving SAT solvers, we want to motivate implementers to present their work to a broader audience and to compare it with that of others.

Model Counting Competition aims to provide a venue for researchers working on model counting such as model counting (mc), weighted model counting/sum of products (wmc), projected model counting (pmc) within the realm but not restricting to Boolean satisfiability (SAT), satisfiability modulo theories (SMT), Answer set programming (ASP), and constraint programming (CP).

It encourages to meet, communicate, and discuss the latest theoretical and practical results, in particular results on novel solvers, related solver technologies, new theoretical advances, practical academic and industrial applications as well as the linking theory and practice.

QBF Evaluation

QBF Evaluations are a series of yearly events with the purpose of assessing the state of the art in the field of QBF solvers and QBF-based applications.

QBFEVAL'22 is the 2022 competitive evaluation of QBF solvers, and the fifteenth event aimed to assess the performance of QBF solvers. QBFEVAL'22 awards solvers that stand out as being particularly effective on specific categories of QBF instances.